
“Master Insight” Educational Series Short Films Sharing

To raise public awareness of TWGHs, the Education Division and the Corporate Communication Division collaborated with a media company called “Master Insight” to film a series of 5 short videos about TWGHs education. We invited different stakeholders of TWGHs to explore our mission in education and our “holistic development” policy, practice and effectiveness from multiple perspectives in each video.

Episode 1 – TWGHs fully supports its schools by assisting teachers and students in enhancing their knowledge about our nation. “Master Education”

Episode 2 – The TWGHs Education Division supports school development by nurturing talents through holistic development such as enriching their learning opportunities and cultivating academic and moral development. “Master Education”

Episode 3 – The TWGHs schools attach great importance on moral education and provide multifaceted experiences through nurture by nature. “Master Education”

Episode 4 – The curriculum of TWGHs schools keeps pace with changing times by working together and nurturing talents through home-school cooperation. “Master Education”

Episode 5 – TWGHs alumni show gratitude to their alma mater by embodying the spirit of service in giving back to the community. “Master Education”